Monday, February 1, 2010

No... No.... No... not more snow. Last Saturday I woke up to a few flurries as I was headed out to work... and 6 hours later came home to this. My ride to work was 30 minutes, my ride home was 2.5 hours.
And now, they are forecasting more snow for Friday night....................

The girls were off of school today. They will be off tomorrow. Alyson has had a great time creating puppet shows and playing her Wii. Aimee has been hanging out with friends.
My poor husband had a toothache all weekend. He called the dentist and made an appointment for first thing Monday morning. When I came home from work today, he had an icepack on his face. 4 hours in the chair and 2 root canals....all in one day.... and he's planning on going to work tomorrow.
And my plans for tomorrow???? Study, study, and more study. Steve says it's all on go for my school. Soooooooo..... my next step is to pass the entrance exam. Watch out July 19th, here I come.
No work for 15 months, it will be school, school, and more school............ then finding a job at an assisted living after I graduate. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!

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