Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tomorrow is Alyson's Spelling Bee at school. She has 17 lists that her class has studied since the beginning of the year. I can't be there because I'm working all day, but I am able to help her study for it.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Some are bitter. Some are angry about the loss of control over their lives. But most aren't. And tonight was my first night with new clients, husband and wife. I wondered how I was going to fit them in to my already very busy schedule. Between my clients and the kids and their school, things are hectic.
But tonight was a gift. I can't wait to spend more time with my new clients. A joy to work with. A joy to help. So much fun to talk too. I wish I could write more details. I wish I could tell you what fun I had at work tonight helping this sweet elderly couple. But privacy laws prevent it, as they should.
But I can tell you this, somewhere in the world tonight there is a very sweet elderly christian couple, full of laughter despite the pain and struggle of a debilitating illness, an inspiration to me and others that care for them. A joy to be around.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I went to the school to pick up Alyson. Aimee had to stay late for cheerleading and Alyson and I needed to find something to do for an hour. We decided to go to the local thrift store. I needed to get some glasses..... I don't know where the ones went we've been using, but one by one they've disappeared.
We got there and I told Alyson she could get one thing. She found a little guitar she liked, and I started picking up the glasses... 50 cents a peice... I got about 10. From there I went to look at the blankets. I love fleece. I love to get fleece for my girls too. They are soft, easy to wash, cheap, and very warm. I hit the jackpot. They had 2, one for Alyson and one for Aimee.
All the while I'm shopping I''m thinking to myself I really need to go look at the books. In each aisle I was looking, I thought this several times, so finally, I went to check out the books.
And there it was......
I was at the bookstore the other day looking at The Message. It's a Bible in everyday english language, more like a paraphrase. But at the bookstore I read some of it and I really wanted it. I thought to myself that I would pick it up next pay day. And here we are, at the thrift shop, and there is a copy of The Message for 1.50! A few books down, there is a hard copy of The Purpose Driven Life for 1.50... and that was so funny too because I had thought I really needed to get Alyson her own copy. Then I looked at the shelf above and there was a book called In His Steps, What would Jesus Do? Perfect for Aimee.
12 new glasses, 3 new books, a set of pyrex bowls, 2 fleece blankets, and a guitar...... all in less than 30 minutes.
We finished just in time to pick Aimee back up, and came home and the girls ate the hashbrown casserole and chicken, and it's just really been a very good day today.
I also found out today that I have another client, which means 12 additional hours for me. Hooray!
Alyson and Aimee have an eye appt. on Thursday the 4th. Two of Alyson's teachers said she was having trouble seeing the blackboard, and this was the first appt they have open.
I also contacted Centura College today. They have an LPN program that starts in July, no prerequisites required... so I'm excited about that. I find out more about it Thursday at 10:30. I'd love to work in a nursing home or assisted living as an LPN, and once I was finished, sending the girls to NHCA would be so much easier for us. I'm very excited about it and hoping it all works out.
No new pictures of the girls. Things have been hectic. Aimee has cheerleading today but Alyson's group doesn't practice until Thursday. Maybe we'll get some more Wii pic's tonight.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Watching God Work
I had been worried all summer about where to send my girls to school. Alyson was in 6th grade and would be going to the middle school, and Aimee would be attending the high school. I didn't want either of them in the public schools, but with my working, homeschooling wasn't working out well for us either.
I saw the big, bright 'Now Enrolling' sign at a new christian school on my way home from work this past summer. I past it several times before eventually going in to check it out. The staff there were very upbeat and excited about the upcoming year. The more they talked, the more interested I became. Maybe this would work for my girls. Maybe they could have fun here. Maybe this was the answer to our school problem.
I wasn't sure. I had Aimee in the other christian schools before and they hadn't worked out. They were so far ahead of the public schools that she had trouble keeping up.
I decided to go ahead and enroll both girls and see how it went. I came home with the handbook and started reading it to Aimee. I hadn't been reading long when she stopped me. I'm not going. I'm not wearing that uniform. Those rules are stupid. I looked at her and told her she had to go. There's no where else for you to go Aimee, this has to work.
I dropped the girls off on the first day and hoped for the best all day long. When I picked them up, Alyson said she liked the school and liked her teacher. Aimee was silent. Okay I thought..... I've got one on board with this..... maybe Aimee would come around.
A few days later we were in the car again and Aimee said school was okay, the uniform wasn't so bad, and when she had questions the teachers were right there to answer them.
And if that were all that had happened I would have been happy with the school. But things kept getting better and better.
This school was different. I noticed it every time I walked into the building. I noticed it every time I talked to my girls, and every time I spoke with the teachers. My girls were changing. They began to talk about God more. Aimee began to calm. Alyson was memorizing Bible verses. And the more I communicated with the teachers, the more I saw how passionate they were about teaching the students about Christ. They are doing more than just telling Bible stories, they are living the gospel daily in front of their students.
What happens to a child that is surrounded by those that live the gospel? What happens when a teacher is not only teaching the math and history, but also communicating how much they care about a child, and how much Jesus loves that child?
I can tell you what started happening with Aimee. She began to study. The work was still hard, and she didn't study every night, but she did study several times a week. At the public school Aimee never studied. Then she started asking questions about God. Frequently, her conversations would start like this.. "Mr. H said so and so, what do you think about that. A couple weeks ago she was spending the night with a friend and walked home to pick up a book. What book Aimee? The Purpose Driven Life. Where did you get that book? It was on our bookshelf. How long have you been reading it? Well Mom, I'm on day 16, it's a 40 day thing and I can't miss a day, so I came home to pick it up.
She's still reading it. Then her friends became interested, and Grandma picked up a couple of copies for them. Then I became interested and went to the bookstore to pick up a copy. Aimee's growing, I'm growing, and her friends are growing. The other day she told the neighbor Jesus loved him.
And Alyson... quoting Bible verses left and right... grabbing time to study every moment she can.. and praying for her friends at the middle school.
This is the best year ever.... and it's only January!! All because of a new christian school... with teachers who are passionate about Christ, who love and care for their students, and who live the gospel in such a way that their students are drawn to Christ.
And they have sports too!!!!
I Love NHCA!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My father told me about the movie Amazing Grace the other day and Steve ordered it from Netflix. He said it would be here tomorrow, just in time for the weekend. I can't wait to see it.
And I was reading on Randy Alcorns Blog about a book called The Shack. He highly recommended it so I went to the web site to check it out. It looks like a great read. I hope to pick it up at the bookstore on Sunday. Here's the link if you're interested.
Tonights Dinner..... chili.... yum.... salad (which I snuck some spinach in, don't tell anyone, they loved it!), and clementines. Alyson loved the 'baby oranges, and I think Aimee did too. Joey left at 3 with yesterdays chicken and dressing to eat for lunch at work. I love chili in the winter!
This week the girls are preparing for midterms. Aimee has 130 definitions in Biology alone to learn by next week, and yesterday Alyson had a test on 8 chapters in History. They are learning so much. Mrs. T. set up special after school study sessions. She asks the questions in a game like form and the kids love it. We are so lucky to be at NHCA.
Aimee had photography club after school and came home showing me all the pictures she took. While she was at club, Alyson and I went to the Mickey D's for a milkshake and studied her spelling words. She has 20 words each week to learn, and 10 additional vocabulary words. Long words, like democratic and comprehension. Today was her first day with the new list and she knew all but 4. Pretty good for 6th grade.
I remember this past summer being so concerned about where to send them to school. All of that worry for nothing.... God already had it all worked out. I know that my girls are totally and completely safe at NHCA and they are learning good things. God is good.
My Oatmeal diet is working. I've lost another pound. Yay!!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Poem by Russell Kelfer
You're part of an intricate plan.
You're a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God's special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make.
The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.
No, that truama you faced was not easy,
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart,
so that into his likeness you'd grow.
You are who you are for a reason,
You've been formed by the Master's rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God.
By: Russell Kelfer
Bible teacher at Wayside Chapel in San Antonio Texas
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Back in May we found the sweetest, tiniest little kitten in our yard. Daisy spotted him first. We named him Snowball. And he grew, and he grew, and he grew........ and of course he was surrounded by our three little dogs...
And he started acting like a dog, meeting Steve at the door when he came home, and begging for treats when we were giving them to the puppies......
And he kept growing and growing, and acting more and more like a dog, except when he would sneak up behind our puppies and jump them, then we still knew he had some cat in him.
Today, he is still a kitten, only 8 months old... but look how he's grown!
The Oatmeal Diet
- Lowers LDL cholesterol
- Has anticancer properties
- Good for diabetics because it slows down the digestion of starch which prevents rise in blood glucose after a meal
- Rich in antioxidants
- Reduces the risk of heart disease
Soooooo maybe the combination of soy milk, oatmeal, high fiber bread, and lots of fruits and veggies will help me lose some weight. (Natures Valley double fiber bread is 50 calories a slice, half the calories of regular white bread)
As I'm writing this the Saints have just scored another touchdown. Go Saints!!!
I'm watching the game, snuggled up to my oldest, softest blanket and resting before going to sit with my sweet little old lady at the rehab center tonight.
Life is Good!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wii Moment
Her appointment was at 3:20. I picked her up early from school and was going to pick Alyson up also, but Mrs. T wanted her to stay. She said she wanted to work with her in a couple of subjects after school and I could pick her up when we were through at the dentists. I love Mrs. T. She's so good to her students and goes out of her way to help them succeed. Anyhow, Aimee and I left and she was in such a good mood.... dancing and singing in the car.... very excited to get her braces off.
We waited for 45 minutes. I guess the office was backed up because usually they take her right in. And after her appointment she came out and smiled......
And all in our world was wonderful until we got to the car. I looked down and saw the rear passenger side tire was flat. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... so we called Steve and waited for him to come with a can of fix a flat.
Needless to say I'm very very happy to be home right now! Guess what Aimee is doing right at this very moment.... Flossing! :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
NHCA Rocks!
This afternoon they had a friendly game of basketball. Boys against the girls. Everyone had so much fun. Check out the shots I got while I was there in upcoming posts.
Laughing Quadruplets on You Tube
Dryer Day
And I've noticed that the blog is displaying the wrong time on my posts. It's not early morning... it's mid morning. I'll have to figure how to fix that!
Edit: Found the problem, fixed the time. Yay!
Wild Cats
Dryer Day
Alyson's Field Trip
The Bethlehem Star
Rick Larson found what he believes to be the Bethlehem Star the wise men followed to find baby Jesus. His arguments for this being the star are very convincing. During his presentation, he explained that the universe operates like a clock, that it is very exact and very precise, and by using software he was able to see what was happening in the sky on the dates of 2 and 3 bc. He shows that from the moment God flung the stars into the sky, he marked date his Son would enter the earth as a baby.... and guess what else God marked in the sky... the date of the crucifixion. The sky just explodes on that day... and do you know what day that was? April 3, 33 AD.
It's highly interesting. Keep an eye on TBN for the next showing, or you can check the information out on the link below and order the DVD.